1. Privacy and personal data protection policy.

2. Who is responsible for your data - Where can you exercise your rights?

1.1. The Data Controller is the Single Member Private Equity Company under the

name "iToocan Monoprosopi IKE" and the distinctive title "iToocan" ("the

COMPANY"), located in Thessaloniki and legally represented by telephone number

2310 515340 and email address customercare@itoocan.gr

1.2 The above-mentioned Company has appointed a Data Protection Officer with

contact email customercare@itoocan.gr. To the e-mail address of the Data

Protection Officer, you can address all requests for exercising your rights below

(under 3.1 - 3.7).

1. Principles of Transparency

2.1 Any information we provide you with this document and any information you

may request in the future is provided free of charge, provided that the request is not

repetitive, excessive or manifestly unreasonable (see more in section 2.3.).

2.1 Any information we provide you with this document and any information you

may request in the future is provided free of charge, provided that the request is not

repetitive, excessive or manifestly unreasonable (see more in section 2.3.).

2.2 For each of the above rights that you exercise, the Company will respond to you

within one (1) month from the receipt of the request or in case of objective

difficulty, complexity of the request or the number of requests, the Company will

respond within a maximum period of a total of three (3) months regarding either the

completion of your request or the justified refusal to perform what you requested

for legitimate reasons expressly specified in General Regulation 679/2016.

2.3 In the event that the Company considers that any of the above rights are

exercised in a manifestly unfounded manner or the request is excessive or of a

repetitive nature, it is entitled on the one hand to impose a reasonable fee for the

provision of further information (which free of charge) and on the other hand to

refuse to follow up on the request.

2.4 In case the Company has reasonable doubts about your identity when you

submit a request to exercise any of the above rights, it may request the provision of

additional information necessary to confirm your identity before processing the


2.5 In the event that the Company delays beyond the justified period to respond to

your request and in any case where you consider that your rights are violated or the

Company is not consistent with its data protection obligations, you are entitled to

make a formal complaint with the supervisory authority. (Personal Data Authority,

Athens Kifissias 1-3, P.C. 115 23, Athens, Greece, contact@dpa.gr, +30-210 6475600.

2.6 You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by submitting a written

request to the email address of the Data Protection Officer

customercare@itoocan.gr (see 1.2.)

1. What are your rights regarding the Personal Data you have provided to us?

3.1. Right to request information

You have the right to request information about the Personal Data we have received

from you and hold for a purpose or purposes as described in 4 below. This document

as a whole is a guide to basic information and understanding of the philosophy of the

regulatory framework governing the protection of your personal data. Updating,

deepening and clarification of this document can be provided to you upon your

request to exercise your right to information. (See how in 1.2)

3.2. Right of Access to your personal data

You have the right to request from our Company access to your data and

confirmation as to whether they are being processed and, in particular, information

on the purposes of processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or

categories of recipients, the period of retention and processing, the existence of a

right of complaint to the Data Protection Authority, any available information on the

origin of the data when they have not been processed, the existence of a right of

access to your personal data, and any available information on the origin of the data

when they have not been processed. (see how in 1.2.)

3.3. Right to rectification

You have the right to request our Company to correct your data if any of the data for

which we have the right to process has changed or has been incorrectly recorded.

(see how in 1.2.)

3.4. Right of Deletion

You have the right to request our Company to delete all or part of your data that we

have the right to keep and process, either because it is no longer necessary for the

purposes for which it was collected, or because you withdraw your consent, or

because the data collected for a purpose that you consider unlawful. Our Company

will respond to you within a reasonable time (not more than one month and under

certain circumstances if there is a difficulty not more than three months in total)

confirming the total or partial deletion of your data respectively or regarding the

impossibility of deleting specific data if a law or the fulfilment of a duty in the public

interest, or the right to freedom of expression and information or the exercise or

support of a legal claim requires their retention. In this case, you have the possibility

to make a formal complaint with the supervisory authority on the one hand and to

take legal action on the other hand. (see how in 1.2.)

3.5. Right of Restriction

You have the right to request our Company to restrict the processing of your data,

quantitatively, temporally or in relation to the purpose of processing and more

specifically (a) either because you question the accuracy of your data and for as long

as the Company needs to confirm their accuracy, (b) or because you consider the

processing unlawful but instead of deletion you choose restriction, (c) or because it

is no longer necessary for the Company to use them but you do not wish to delete

them as their retention would make you more secure. (see how in 1.2.) (d) or in case

you object to the processing of the data and until it is verified whether your rights as

a Data Subject prevail over the Company's legitimate grounds for processing. (see

how in 1.2.)

3.6. Portability right

You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a

structured commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to transmit it

further without objection, since your data is processed on the basis of consent. In

the context of exercising this right, you have the additional possibility of requesting

direct transmission by the Company to the third party without your mediation.

This right is exercised without prejudice to the limitations of the right to erasure (see

above under 3.4.) and its exercise may not adversely affect the rights and freedoms

of others. (see how in 1.2.)

3.7. Right of refusal

3.7.1 You have the right to object to the use of your personal data for the purpose of

direct marketing and in particular profiling related to such direct marketing. (see

how in 1.2.)

3.7.2 There is no relevant right in the case of filling in the data in the Resume

Submission form as these data are not transmitted to the Marketing department and

are not treated as such. Their processing is strictly limited to the fulfilment of the

purpose of the evaluation by the Human Resources department.

1. Nature and purpose of the processing of personal data

4.1 The receipt, processing and retention of the data provided exclusively in the

context of the CV, knowledge, professional training and professional experience, is

done to satisfy the exclusive purpose of evaluation by our Company for the

possibility of occupying a job, and are kept only for this purpose, and are processed

only by the Company's Human Resources department.

4.2 The receipt, processing and retention of your data provided exclusively in the

context of communication is done to satisfy the exclusive purpose of informing you

about the Company's products and actions. All your data are kept only for this

purpose and are processed only by the Company's marketing department.

4.2 The receipt, processing and retention of your data provided exclusively in the

context of communication is done to satisfy the exclusive purpose of informing you

about the Company's products and actions. All your data are kept only for this

purpose and are processed only by the Company's marketing department.

4.3 In the event of a transaction with the Company, your provided to us Data in the

context of our transaction will be processed for the purpose of implementing the

contract between us and our compliance with tax legislation.

1. Lawful basis for processing personal data

5.1 The legal basis for the processing of your data for the purposes under 4.1. and

4.2. is your consent to the processing for the fulfilment of the respective purposes,

pursuant to Art.6 par. 1(a) of the Personal Data Protection Regulation.

5.2 The data relating to the purposes described under 4.3. have as a legal basis for

processing the execution of the contract between us as well as our compliance with

the law pursuant to Article 6(1b) and (1c) of the Personal Data Protection Regulation.

1. 6. Can your data be forwarded elsewhere?

6.1 Your data (made available for the purposes described above under 4.1. and 4.2.)

is not intended (as it is not required by the purpose for which it is collected) to be

transferred to any organisation other than the Company (and its directly affiliated -

as defined by law - companies, with the exception of the providers of services

supporting our Company's electronic systems and networks) for the sole purpose of

their performance of the contract for the support of our Company.

6.2 Your data (provided for the purposes described under 4.3.) may, in addition to

the transfers described under 6.1 above, also be forwarded to the competent tax

authorities in the context of our compliance with tax legislation.

1. Retention period for personal data

7.1. Για την εκπλήρωση του σκοπού επεξεργασίας που αφορά στην διερεύνηση

κατάληψης κάποιας θέσης εργασίας στην εταιρεία μας (συμπλήρωση φόρμας για

Υποβολή Βιογραφικού υπό 4.1.) θεωρούμε εύλογο και αναγκαίο χρόνο διατήρησης

των σχετικών δεδομένων σας το διάστημα δώδεκα (12) μηνών. Μετά την

παρέλευση δώδεκα (12) μηνών από τον χρόνο λήψης του βιογραφικού σας ο

σχετικός φάκελος με το σύνολο των στοιχείων σας θα διαγράφεται.

7.2 For the fulfilment of the purpose of processing (under 4.2.), i.e. informing you

about our products and actions, a reasonable time for the retention of your data is

the time of the relevant (productive-commercial) operation of our Company.

7.3 Your data (provided for the purposes of your purchases - described above under

4.3.) will be retained for as long as required by tax law.

1. Why do you provide us with this data and what would be the consequences of

not providing it?

8.1 The provision of your personal data provided exclusively in the context of

submitting a CV to find a job in the Company (under 4.1.) takes place voluntarily, as

otherwise it would not be possible to assess the possibility of hiring you.

8.2 The submission of your basic data provided exclusively in the context of

communication/information (under 4.2.) is at your choice and their processing with

your consent for the sole purpose of informing you about our Company's products

and actions. We only request and process the data necessary to be able to

communicate with you and inform you about our products and actions.

8.3 The submission of your data provided exclusively in the context of the purchase-

order (under 4.3.) is for the sole purpose of servicing the sales contract concluded

between us when you use the shopping option.

1. Guarantees

We assure you that the Company will exhaust all technical and organizational

measures for the protection of the Data and will only make the best, minimum and

absolutely necessary use and processing of the Data, as required by law and strictly

and exclusively for the purpose for which you have provided them to us.

1. Cookies

The Company uses cookies to ensure that visitors/users of the website have the best

possible browsing experience. Cookies are small text files containing information

stored in the web browser of the visitor/user's computer and can be removed at any

time. Cookies do not affect the computer or mobile device and do not cause any

damage or operational burden.

Cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our website, but also to help

our team understand which pages of the website you find interesting and useful.

The cookies we use are divided into: (a) strictly necessary cookies, (b) third party

cookies and (c) performance cookies.

(a) Strictly necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our

website. They allow you to browse and use features such as access to secure

areas. These cookies do not store your individual identity. They must be

activated continuously in order to store preferences. If you disable these

cookies, we will not be able to store your preferences. This means that each

time you enter our website, you will be required to activate or deactivate

these cookies.

(b) We use third party cookies (cookies placed by other providers) in order to

enable you to watch YouTube videos, use social media (e.g. Facebook,

Instagram, tik Tok, YouTube, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.). By keeping these cookies

enabled, the use of our website becomes easier and more enjoyable, and you

are able to share content that you find interesting on social media.

We use Google Analytics to collect anonymous information, such as the

number of visitors to our website and our most popular pages.

By keeping these cookies enabled, you help us to improve our website.

These cookies store your individual identity.

(c) Performance cookies collect aggregated anonymous information solely to

improve the performance of the Company's website, for example which parts

of the website you visit most often, whether you receive error messages,

how many people have visited our website, etc., without identifying the

user/visitor of the website.

It is important to clarify that your possible choice to disable some of the cookies may

result in difficulty and/or inability to access certain websites or to use certain

features of our website.

A detailed description of the nature and function of cookies and the possibilities of

restricting them with the corresponding consequences on functionality is offered on

the website www.allaboutcookies.org.